Suicide Hotlines
The following is a list of telephone hot lines and Internet sites that can provide immediate support and relief for anyone who is struggling with feelings of suicide.
1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) SUICIDE – (800) 784-2433.
This nationwide suicide telephone hotline provides free 24-hour crisis counseling for people who are suicidal or who are suffering the pain of depression.
2. The Samaritans Suicide Hotline (212) 673-3000
or e-mail: They will respond to your e-mail within 24 hours.
3. Covenant House Nineline (800) 999-9999
This hotline provides crisis intervention, support and referrals for youth and adults in crisis, including those who are feeling depressed and suicidal.
4. Internet site: This is an excellent Web site which I visited when I was suicidal. I credit it with being one of the factors that prevented me from taking my life.
5. Internet site: This is the Web site for SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education), whose mission is to educate others about suicide and to speak for suicide survivors. I also frequented this Internet site when I was suicidal and found it to be extremely helpful.
6. Internet site: This site provides suicide crisis lines for all 50 states.
7. Internet site: This is the site of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the leading suicide prevention organization in the United States.