Healing From Depression
Your Site for Hope and Healing
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Welcome to Healing from Depression. My name is Douglas Bloch. I am an author, a mental health educator and a depression survivor. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant to evaluate, treat or diagnose any mental health condition. I am not a counselor, therapist or psychologist. I am someone who has struggled with depression and wishes to share what I have learned with others who are going through the same experience
If you have come to this page, it is most likely because you or a loved one is experiencing the pain of depression and anxiety. I know this pain well For most of my life I have struggled with depression and anxiety. In the fall of 1996, I suffered a life-threatening depressive illness, I was plagued with dark suicidal thoughts that alternated with out-of-control anxiety and agitation, I was living in a hell created by my own disordered brain.
In order to stay alive, I developed a series of coping strategies which I called, “My Daily Survival Plan for Living in Hell.” Eventually, those tools helped me to get well and later I used them to form the foundation of my depression recovery program .
I created this web site in to share these coping skills with you. As you navigate this site, you will see that there many useful tools and resources that are designed to help you to feel better and to reduce your symptoms of anxiety and depression with those of wellness and joy. Some of the topics I include are:
- my personal story of depression recovery
- the causes and symptoms of depression
- all you need to know about antidepressants
- how to find natural alternatives to Prozac and other antidepressants
- how to turn negative self-talk to positive affirmations
- how to cope when your pain becomes unbearable
- how to find alternatives to suicide
- the role of pets in healing from depression.
- what to do when someone you love is depressed
I know that the information on this site will be helpful to you because as a depression survivor, I know this territory well. I can assure you that there is a path to healing and recovery and a reason for hope.
Please feel free to contact me (douglasbloch@gmail.com) if you have any questions about the information you find. I wish you the best on your healing journey.
Douglas Bloch, M.A.
Depression Recovery Blog
- Don’t Believe What Your Brain is Telling YouDon’t Believe What Your Brain is Telling You When your mind is telling you that you should end your life, chemical imbalances inside your brain have created a distorted view of your present and future circumstances. This distorted view of life means that you are likely to see yourself, your experiences, and your future in… Read more: Don’t Believe What Your Brain is Telling You
- Notice Moments of GraceNotice Moments of Grace Whenever people ask me what being suicidal feels like, I reply, “It’s like being in hell.” By using the word “hell,” I mean a state of ongoing, agonizing pain that seems to always be with you. During a suicidal episode, I asked my therapist Pat what she thought of this metaphor… Read more: Notice Moments of Grace
Depression Recovery Videos
Watch Douglas recount how he how he survived a depressive episode and healed his depression.
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Mental Health Coaching
In addition to being in a support group, a key part of healing from depression is finding a friend or ally who can guide you through the steps of recovery.
View all of Douglas Bloch’s Videos
For the past thirty-five years, I have written a number of books designed to give the reader both inspiration and practical tools that will help him or her live optimally and to better cope with depression and anxiety. I have made all of these works available on this web site so that you can find the resource that works best for your healing.
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